
Submit evidence to Public Services Watch:

Submit evidence to Public Services Watch:

Tasmania's current Public Services Emergency Level:

Public Services Watch

Public services have been underfunded for decades and the community is now feeling the impact of this long-term under-resourcing.

It's time for change. We need to call out decisions and changes in our public sector that leave workers and the community worse off. Without people in jobs public services don’t get delivered. The rapidly rising number of workers on workers' compensation is evidence that workers are burnt out and in need of support.

Wait times are increasing, services are being scaled back, critical work for the future of our state is not being done. When public services are not delivered or delayed it passes the cost on to our communities. Often to those who can least afford it. The high level of vacancies across the public sector directly contributes to cost-of-living for Tasmanians.

We need a plan. The Rockliff Government is savings millions in staffing costs and still implementing a $300M efficiency dividend. This will come at a direct cost to workers who are trying to meet community need with limited resources.

Follow Public Services Watch for updates, or if you work in our public sector, continue on to the next page to make an anonymous disclosure and update our state's Public Services Warning Level.

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